5 Tips - How to Choose Best Engineering College in India

There are 6000+ engineering colleges in India. Students often get confused to pick there best suitable college for him. some common questions that asked by students are

How to choose the right Engineering College?
what is the best standard while choosing a college?
What should I look for when choosing a college?
What are the factors to be considered while choosing a college?

here, you will get the best explanation for all questions mentioned above, our preference to go give a more general and elaborative answer. I hope this will be the most trustworthy guide for your graduation journey.

Choose your Branch :?

Have you decided in which engineering department that you wish to proceed?. there are some categories in engineering study like Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology. on this website, you will find a brief description of all braches. choose the best suitable brach for your dream. after you have chosen your brach this is time to choose a college, there are some factors that you need to keep in mind

  • campus facilities
  • collage reputation
  • placement
  • expenses
  • location

here you can get the list of collages present near your area, collage profile with location, website, contact detail with big size image and logo. this will help you to get an overview of collage and contact.

campus facilities :

Since all the colleges claim to offer the best service, on this point personal opinion is not to trust in advertisement and website, it is better to visit and do a little research about those specific facilities. Some of the important facilities like computer labs, medical facilities, loan and scholarship, library, accommodation and workshop.

collage reputation :

there are some rankings given to collages by analyzing the most impeccable factor. the widely adopted ranking is the NIRF ranking. On this website you will find detailed information about NIRF ranking.

placement :

it is always advantageous to get a job from the college campus. NIRF rank also includes placement records. on this look collage previous year placement record.

expenses :

most of the collages are some expensive and also there is some lone and scholarship options available. first list down all collages base on the above factors and their fee structure.don't get worried just because of fees talk freely with a college representative and intellectual in your area. definitely you will get useful resources.

location :

Compromise! personal suggestion for you to be stick with a particular location. Give it a last preference if you get admission offers from some of the leading institutes. For example, if you get a call from the Indian Institute of Technology, which was declared the number one engineering institute in India by NIRF, then stay close to home or to take admission to this elite college is complete a waste of time.

Danish Shaikh

Mechanical engineer, Data scientist, Computer programmer and anime lover.... connect with me on Facebook and Linkedin. check aboutus us to know more.

6 min read

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